Ophthalmic involvement in IgG4-related disease

  • Luisina Victoria Zunino Jose Maria Cullen Hospital, Santa Fe, Argentina
  • Romina Calvo Jose Maria Cullen Hospital, Santa Fe, Argentina
  • Alejandro Varizat José María Cullen Hospital, Santa Fe, Argentina
  • María Marcela Schmid Reconquista Regional Hospital, Santa Fe, Argentina
  • Jesica Gallo Angela Iglesia Hospital in Llano, Corrientes, Argentina
  • Alberto Ortiz Jose Maria Cullen Hospital, Santa Fe, Argentina
  • Sergio Paira Jose Maria Cullen Hospital, Santa Fe, Argentina
Keywords: IgG4-RD, eye disease, orbital diseases


Introduction: IgG4-related ophthalmic disease (IgG4-ROD) presents a frequency of 11-58.8%. Few studies describe the disparities with patients with extraophthalmic IgG4-related disease (NOT IgG4-ROD). Objectives: describe the clinical, imaging, pathological characteristics, laboratory results, and treatment of IgG4-ROD characteristics; and compare them with those of the NOT IgG4-ROD patients. Materials and methods: a descriptive study was carried out on a cohort of 54 patients with ER-IgG4. 16 patients with IgG4-ROD and 38 with NOT IgG4-ROD were recruited. The data was analyzed with the SPSS Statistics 19 software. Results: IgG4-ROD predominated in women. 75% presented bilateral ophthalmic involvement. A history of asthma was associated with the NOT IgG4-ROD group (p=0,018). Patients with IgG4-ROD presented lower serum levels of IgE and total IgG, and the lacrimal gland was the most affected structure. Lymphoplasmacytic and eosinophilic infiltrates predominated, with storiform fibrosis being more frequent than non-storiform in the IgG4-ROD group Conclusions: although the results were similar to those previously reported, in disagreement with other series, we found a negative association between asthma and serum total IgG levels with EOR-IgG4 patients.

Author Biographies

Luisina Victoria Zunino, Jose Maria Cullen Hospital, Santa Fe, Argentina
Rheumatology Service
Romina Calvo, Jose Maria Cullen Hospital, Santa Fe, Argentina
Rheumatology Service
Alejandro Varizat, José María Cullen Hospital, Santa Fe, Argentina
Imaging Diagnostic Service
María Marcela Schmid, Reconquista Regional Hospital, Santa Fe, Argentina
Rheumatology Service
Jesica Gallo, Angela Iglesia Hospital in Llano, Corrientes, Argentina
Rheumatology Service
Alberto Ortiz, Jose Maria Cullen Hospital, Santa Fe, Argentina
Rheumatology Service
Sergio Paira, Jose Maria Cullen Hospital, Santa Fe, Argentina
Rheumatology Service


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How to Cite
Zunino LV, Calvo R, Varizat A, Schmid MM, Gallo J, Ortiz A, Paira S. Ophthalmic involvement in IgG4-related disease. Rev. Argent. Reumatol. [Internet]. 2023Jun.30 [cited 2025Jan.15];34(2):53 -59. Available from: https://ojs.reumatologia.org.ar/index.php/revistaSAR/article/view/730
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