Tuberculin shift in patients with chronic inflammatory arthritis and biological therapy

  • Osvaldo Luis Cerda Institute of Psychophysical Rehabilitation, Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, Argentina
  • María de los Angeles Correa Institute of Psychophysical Rehabilitation, Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, Argentina
  • Amelia Granel San Roque Hospital, La Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina
  • Ana Marcos San Roque Hospital, La Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina
  • Claudia Giraldo General Acute Hospital Enrique Tornú, Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, Argentina
  • Oscar Rillo General Acute Hospital Enrique Tornú, Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, Argentina
  • Emilce Edith Schneeberger Institute of Psychophysical Rehabilitation, Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, Argentina
  • Gustavo Citera Institute of Psychophysical Rehabilitation, Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, Argentina
Keywords: tuberculin test, arthritis, biologicals


Introduction: The blockade of inflammatory mediators produced by biological therapies is associated with an increase of opportunistic infections such as Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MT), so it is recommended to perform the intradermal purified protein derivative test (PPD) before starting such treatment. Given the endemic situation of tuberculosis (TB) in our country and immunosuppression/ anergy of patients with chronic inflammatory arthritis, we wonder whether if it´s necessary to monitor the infection of MT after starting biological treatment.


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How to Cite
Cerda OL, Correa M de los A, Granel A, Marcos A, Giraldo C, Rillo O, Schneeberger EE, Citera G. Tuberculin shift in patients with chronic inflammatory arthritis and biological therapy. Rev. Argent. Reumatol. [Internet]. 2016Dec.1 [cited 2024May19];27(4):31 -36. Available from:
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