CHAPTER 4: Extra-musculoskeletal manifestations in axial spondyloarthritis 1: uveitis and psoriasis

  • Vanesa Cosentino Ramos Mejia Hospital, City of Buenos Aires, Argentina
Keywords: axial spondyloarthritis, uveitis, psoriasis


Although axial inflammation and structural damage are the main features of axial spondyloarthritis (axSpA), many patients may present peripheral manifestations (enthesitis, dactylitis and arthritis) and since these are systemic diseases, concomitant extra-musculoskeletal manifestations (EMM) (uveitis, psoriasis, inflammatory bowel disease, pulmonary, cardiovascular, renal, neurological involvement, etc.) may also occur1-2. The presence of one or more MEM may affect the prognosis of SpA, the quality of life and work productivity of patients, as well as influence the treatment decision3. The characteristics of uveitis and psoriasis in patients with axSpA are described below.

Author Biography

Vanesa Cosentino, Ramos Mejia Hospital, City of Buenos Aires, Argentina
Ramos Mejia Hospital, City of Buenos Aires, Argentina


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How to Cite
Cosentino V. CHAPTER 4: Extra-musculoskeletal manifestations in axial spondyloarthritis 1: uveitis and psoriasis. Rev. Argent. Reumatol. [Internet]. 2024Jul.1 [cited 2025Jan.15];35(Sup1):31 -38. Available from: