Access to specialized care and clinical follow-up in a group of patients with rheumatoid arthritis from the Wichí community in Salta: another look at the practice of our profession

  • Vicente Juárez Lord of the Miracle Hospital, Salta, Argentina
  • Emilio Buschiazzo Lord of the Miracle Hospital, Salta, Argentina
  • Rosana Quintana Regional Center for Autoimmune and Rheumatic Diseases (GO-CREAR), Rosario, Santa Fe, Argentina
  • Bernardo Pons-Estel Regional Center for Autoimmune and Rheumatic Diseases (GO-CREAR), Rosario, Santa Fe, Argentina
Keywords: rheumatoid arthritis, Wichí community


The objective of this letter is to highlight the reality to which the Rheumatology specialist may be exposed in a different context. The Latin American Group for Studies of Rheumatic Diseases in Native Peoples (GLADERPO) has worked, since its formation in 2009, in different communities in Latin America. In Argentina, in the Qom communities of the cities of Rosario (Santa Fe) and Presidencia Roque Sáenz Peña (Chaco), and in the Wichí community of the town “Misión Chaqueña, El Algarrobal” (Salta). The fundamental objectives of this project are, on the one hand, to estimate the prevalence of rheumatic diseases and, on the other, to describe the perception and barriers in accessing the health system. A central point of this has been the intervention in the community through the monitoring of patients detected with rheumatic diseases, mainly rheumatoid arthritis (RA), and the design and implementation of different educational strategies, with the intention of making visible the difficulty in access to the health system of these communities, trying to reduce the existing gap.

Author Biographies

Vicente Juárez, Lord of the Miracle Hospital, Salta, Argentina
Latin American Group for Studies of Rheumatic Diseases in Native Peoples (GLADERPO)
Emilio Buschiazzo, Lord of the Miracle Hospital, Salta, Argentina
Latin American Group for Studies of Rheumatic Diseases in Native Peoples (GLADERPO)
Rosana Quintana, Regional Center for Autoimmune and Rheumatic Diseases (GO-CREAR), Rosario, Santa Fe, Argentina
Latin American Group for Studies of Rheumatic Diseases in Native Peoples (GLADERPO)
Bernardo Pons-Estel, Regional Center for Autoimmune and Rheumatic Diseases (GO-CREAR), Rosario, Santa Fe, Argentina
Latin American Group for Studies of Rheumatic Diseases in Native Peoples (GLADERPO)


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II. Juárez V, Quintana R, Crespo ME, et al. Prevalence of musculoskeletal disorders and rheumatic diseases in an Argentinean indigenous Wichi community. Clinical Rheumatology 2021;40(1):75-83. doi: 10.1007/s10067-020-05130-3.

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VII. Lombardo E, Juárez V, Quintana R, Crespo ME, Aciar M, Buschiazzo E et al. Experiencia sobre el proceso de salud-enfermedad-atención en pacientes con artritis reumatoidea pertenecientes a la comunidad Wichí de Misión Chaqueña “El Algarrobal”, Salta. Rev Arg Reum 2022;33(3):129-135- doi: 10.47196/rar.v33i3.671.

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How to Cite
Juárez V, Buschiazzo E, Quintana R, Pons-Estel B. Access to specialized care and clinical follow-up in a group of patients with rheumatoid arthritis from the Wichí community in Salta: another look at the practice of our profession. Rev. Argent. Reumatol. [Internet]. 2024Mar.26 [cited 2024Sep.8];35(1):01 -02. Available from:
Letter to the Editor