Usefulness of capillaroscopy in scleroderma

  • Génessis Maldonado Vélez Holy Spirit University of Specialties, Samborondón, Ecuador
  • Carlos Ríos Acosta Rheumatology and Rehabilitation Center, Guayaquil, Ecuador
Keywords: nailfold capillaroscopy, scleroderma, SD Pattern


Systemic sclerosis (SSc) is a connective tissue disease characte-rized by autoimmune reactivity, progressive generalized vascular dysfunction and fibrosis of the skin and internal organs associa-ted with the production of specific antibodies. In recent years the nailfold capillaroscopy has proven to be an useful and realible tool for the initial evaluation of Raynaud’s phenomenon and connective tissue diseases specially scleroderma, also this technique has been included in the diagnostic criteria of scleroderma, which demons-trate the usefulness of this technique. In turn, the capillaroscopy plays an important role in the evaluation of systemic involvement, transition of the disease, management and mortality predictor of scleroderma, aspects that will be discussed in this review.

Author Biographies

Génessis Maldonado Vélez, Holy Spirit University of Specialties, Samborondón, Ecuador
General Practitioner
Carlos Ríos Acosta, Rheumatology and Rehabilitation Center, Guayaquil, Ecuador


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How to Cite
Maldonado Vélez G, Ríos Acosta C. Usefulness of capillaroscopy in scleroderma. Rev. Argent. Reumatol. [Internet]. 2016Dec.1 [cited 2024May19];27(4):40 -47. Available from: